open twenty four hours

. . . because that's when i'm up.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Retail Therapy

sidenote: i work at Banana Republic.

today at work, i had a pair of customers come in, a man and a woman, looking for an outfit for her to wear to attend a "first communion."

the man was waiting outside the fitting room area as she was trying on a variety of different outfit pairings. . .

. . . eventually, his 25 minute wait brought him to the end of his patience

"i just don't understand women and their shopping habits," he said. "whenever i need to go buy new clothes, i buy the same size pants, the same size shirts, and the same size shoes. there's no need to waste time trying things on and dancing around in front of a three way mirror to see if it fits and how it looks."

while i didn't respond outwardly, my internal response was: yeah, but the problem with not trying things on before you buy them is this: we live in america, and the majority of our clothes are mass-manufactured, which means that very rarely will pieces of clothing (even the same item in the same size) fit how we expect them to. and, different skirts, whether they be a-line or pencil, will fit differently, especially if you're hippy (and i don't mean the smoking weed variety). also, sizes aren't calibrated from store to store. while you may wear a 6 at Banana, at the Gap it might be an 8, etc.

this is why we try things on, and you should too.

something to hang your hat on, boys, the next time you take a girl shopping. . .




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