open twenty four hours

. . . because that's when i'm up.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

laziness on your own terms

last night, the great city of chicago showed "annie hall" at Butler Field in Grant Park. karen and i attended.

there's an ampitheatre directly behind the field, and the city of chicago provides white plastic chair seating for this ampitheatre. as a direct result, many movie goers were dragging these ampitheatre chairs (joined in groups of three) closer to the movie viewing area. security didn't like this idea, and went around to all the white chair sitters asking them to move the chairs back to where they found them. . . they "weren't allowed to be moved." of course, a woman sitting behind karen and i would not comply.

and here, the recreation of my re-telling the situation to josh:

kel: chair sitter: "fine. but you're going to have to help me move them"
security guy: "well ma'am, you seem to have managed to move it over here by yourself"
chair sitter: "fine. i'll move them. . . when the movie is over"
security guy: "no, ma'am, i'm sorry, you're going to have to move now. people behind you can't see."
chair sitter: well, i'm just trying to have a nice relaxing evening and watch the movie"

josh: I don't get people like that

kel: security guy: "well, you can relax on the chairs back where you got them from"
chair sitter: "but i can't move them. . . they're too heavy. you'll have to help me"

kel (again, but this time only as kel): this exchange repetitiously went on for seriously 10-12 minutes . . . karen was like. . . "is she on something?"

josh: see, that'd be a funny blog
kel: i know . . . i'm writing it now

eventually, the woman left. leaving the chairs in the middle of the grass, unattended. interestingly enough, the security guy didn't come back to move the chairs either. . . i'm assuming it would have required too much effort for him to get out of his golf-cart like mobile.

some people. . .





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